Outdoor Education
We are currently offering courses, but check out our digital guides in the meantime!
Former Programs
Canoeing 102: Intermediate River Paddling
A four-hour session on the fast-paced Upper Platte River. This course focuses on:
The dynamics and communication of tandem paddling
A variety of paddling techniques including sweeps, draws, rudders, and J-strokes
Self-rescue techniques
North Manitou Island 5-Day Expedition
Our immersive multi-day North Manitou Island expedition includes in-depth instruction on:
Leave No Trace and backcountry ethics
Trip planning and logistics
Navigation and orienteering
Campsite selection and construction
Backcountry cooking
Equipment use and repair
North Country Trail 2-Day Intro to Backpacking
Join us on an overnight trip along the North Country Trail and learn backpacking basics including:
Leave No Trace and backcountry ethics
How to pack a backpackCampsite selection and construction
Route planning an navigation
Backcountry Skiing and Avalanche Workshop
Our full-day intermediate backcountry skiing workshop includes instruction on:
Introducing avalanche phenomena
Avalanche forecast interpretation
Snow, Weather, and Avalanche Guidelines (SWAG)
An in-field demonstration of snow pit construction and data collection

“This program has opened my eyes even more to the outdoors than before, and for that I am thankful.”
- Leann, 2020 Intro to Backpacking Student