Moving Forward
I’m writing this post to communicate my vision for Origin Expeditions effectively. While I’m not planning on Origin ever becoming as big as a program like NOLS or Outward Bound, I do intend to see it constantly evolve and adapt. As I mentioned in the previous post, I am excited to see a community form around this project, one in which each member has a role to play. Whether they be a student, guide, parent, donor, or friend, I am interested to hear any feedback folks might have to facilitate the progression of this program—leave a comment if you feel inclined.
The Creation of Origin
My name is Joseph Napolitan and I am the founder of what I now call Origin Expeditions. My intention for the blog is to develop a platform with which others and myself can communicate developments within the organization, explore relevant topics and hold discussions amongst members of the community. With this particular post, I intend to share a little bit about my story and how my idea for this program came to be.