COVID-19 Update


In response to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19, we have made several changes to our summer programs. 

First, we are no longer offering the planned canoe courses during the summer of 2020. We had arrangements with an outfitter to rent and transport canoes for the trip. With uncertainty around whether or not certain businesses will be allowed to operate this summer, it is not practical to organize trips when essential resources might not be available. 

Second, we moved the dates for the teen North Manitou Island Trip and the Pictured Rocks trip (now changed to a 6-day adult trip) to the end of July and the beginning of August. We hope that this allows the impacts of the pandemic to settle and increases the likelihood that Manitou Island Transit will be running boats to the islands. To ensure the health of our clients, we may implement a screening process requiring a doctor's note or documentation of recent COVID-19 test results. If individuals cannot attend our courses due to screening, government orders, or any other reason related to COVID-19, we will reimburse them in full. 

Third, we have postponed all workshops in May indefinitely. In the meantime, we are working on producing online webinars to replace our workshops. 

We know that this virus has posed many challenges to the wellness of communities throughout the world. At this time, we must work together to ensure our planet's physical, emotional, and mental health. The types of experiences we provide here at Origin Expeditions are as valuable as ever, and we plan to do everything we can to continue to offer them. While we might have to postpone programs until fall or even next summer, our team is working to find creative ways to help people get outside. We will continue to post updates as things develop on our end.

Be well!


Summer 2020 Trips Cancelled


In Regards to Covid-19